Sunday, January 10, 2010

Be a part of the Global Explosion.

Hi all,

What I'm going to say is very important, as I just got news of it very recently.
It's going to be the NEXT BEST THING that's going to explode on to the web.

It's called ....


So, what is SiteTalk?

Well, it's basically another social network platform , just like Facebook, Twitter, Friendster, etc.
As you know, Facebook started in Feb 2004 and currently has 300 million active users. It is valued at €10 billion.

Twitter which started in 2008 currently has 45 million users, and is valued at €0.3 billion.

Social networking is becoming a hot trend nowadays, with a lot of ppl joining in everyday. However, these companies generate income selling advertisement space on their website and through sponsorship.

Looking at this growing trend in social network platform, Unaico is taking a step further.

Sitetalk is owned by Unaico & it's sister company, Enigro.

What separates SiteTalk from the rest is that it's the first community site that combines all major forms of marketing channel into one platform. Meaning, it combines traditional marketing, online marketing , and network marketing , all into one site. offers all functions of the Social network sizes on a platform.
‐ Video, music, UP ‐ and download, with Sitetalk
‐ Chat, blog, forums with Sitetalk
‐ Webshop with megaproduct packages of Sitetalk
‐ Plays etc. with Sitetalk/Unaico
‐ Contact preparation as with Xing.

In addition the following features are planned:
‐ Advertising business similarly as with Ebay and with Sitetalk/Unaico
‐ Job exchange with and of Sitetalk/Unaico
‐ From now on Sitetalk/Unaico use contact stock exchange for Vertriebler
‐ Hobby calendars with Sitetalk
‐ Chat in the circle of friends as now with Skype and all this also with Sitetalk/Unaico
‐ On-line radio, on-line one television now also with Sitetalk

UNAICO also has its own companies and are also collaborating with existing companies in promoting their products on this website. --> investment company --> Entertainment --. webshop --> Education Programme --> property --> Travel & Leisure.

It even has collaboration with TOWAH BANK for its transaction of monies of investors.

One thing that's interesting is that members in this community will be able to make money. How this is possible? Let me explain further.

You see, unlike Facebook and the rest which make money through affilliates and other companies who advertise/sponsor on the site, SiteTalk owns those companies. And everytime anyone clicks onto the site to buy any product/services, the members make money. And these companies range from a wide variety of industries , ie, dating, gaming, online shopping etc.

The more interesting thing is that Unaico is offering 49% of its shares for members to buy. This is the first time a database website is offering shares. The company is going to LAUNCH SITETALK GLOBALLY on 16th January 2010 in Germany. And, as expected, the price of the shares will increase. And that's how you and I will profit from the company. However, UNAICO is targeting for I.P.O in 2012. When that happens, SiteTalk will be listed in the stock exchange.

I'm just here to spread the good news before it hits the stands. actually i was with my primary school teacher just having a chat and he saw Mior coming to have a drink, and so he invited Mior to sit down for a chat. It was just a coincidence that I came to know about this , and I'm taking the opportunity to spread it to everyone i know.

This is a good opportunity that rarely comes along, so please have a real good look at it before brushing it off....

By the way, the company is going to LAUNCH GLOBALLY in January 16 2010.
If those of you are interested in being a part of the company, you can invest in it as well, but it's only through invitation. So , I'm openly inviting anyone who is seriously interested in investment.

If those of you are thinking of investing , please do so before the 14th January. I'm just afraid the price of the shares won't be as low right now. But the decision is up to you. Just let me know soon.

This is a picture of my friend , Mior, who met with the Unaico team at the Bangkok soft launch.

Watch what Rune Evensen, CEO Unaico Asian Division, has to say about SiteTalk.


  1. What's the share price and mimimum investment?
    Basically how to deal with it; does it like the investment in share fund/mutual fund?

  2. hi serena.... thanks for posting a comment on my blog. You are the first.
    anyways, it comes in 3 packages.
    first package is 500 euro (about rm2700)
    second package is 2000 euro (abotu rm10,600)
    third package , i'm not so clear about it yet.

    it translates to the number of shares you'll buy. i'll explain in my next post.
    thanks again for commenting.
